Thursday, August 4, 2011

Spiritual Warfare and Adoption

I have formed close friendships now with a couple of other Moms in the process of adopting from Eastern Europe. The one thing we all have learned quickly is that adoption is not something the enemy is fond of. That's putting it mildly to say the least. In my own life, I have seen Satan attack every aspect of our family and home, since we began this process. I will call it what it is...spiritual warfare. The enemy does not want our boys to come home! He will do whatever he can to stop us from getting to them.

During this adoption we have left a church family that we dearly love, we have experienced huge financial losses in our personal finances, we have had close family members walk through what we pray were their darkest hours. We have struggled with fundraising when others make it look simple. We have small things happen every week that are just completely weird.

All of that being said, we will not back up! We are moving forward in the grace that allows us to BE everyday. The mercies that are new every morning. When the enemy comes against us, we are standing our ground. Not just standing, but moving forward. Everyday a step closer to our boys. They are ours and we will not let the enemy destroy them. He has worked hard all their lives to do just that, But God!

Satan would have rejoiced had our boys been conceived in the USA where they would likely have been aborted. He thought he had them when they were abandoned by their family and society to an orphanage. He was ready to throw a party when the time came for transfer to a mental institution, which surely would have led to their deaths. You see, his job is to find who he can devour and do just that. He saw weakness and vulnerability in our boys and tried to exploit it, BUT GOD!

On the other side of the ocean, God was moving. God was orchestrating a beautiful symphony written simply for our boys. He moved on the hearts of so many people before we even saw our boys' faces for the first time. People who advocated. Reece's Rainbow who listed our boys, so we could see them. Prayer warriors who are now seeing the fruit of their prayers. Then, God began to gently call our hearts in his direction. He knew that I was longing to not just see a miracle, but to be a part of one.

God began years ago, preparing us for our boys. He gave us a Pastor who understood and taught us to be debt free, enabling me to stay at home and our family to live on one income. God had long ago planted a seed in my heart for the orphan. On missions trips to Africa, South America and even Europe, God showed me their great need. I always thought I would go there and work, But God! God gave me an eXtra special Uncle Roy and allowed me to understand and see beauty where others could not. God united Marty and I in a mission for His glory.

So, you see, we will not back down! Satan can not have our boys and one day soon we will walk them out of an orphanage and into our family. We are asking you to pray for us, the weight is heavy at times. We also ask you to consider our need. We long to do the Father's will and trust that He can speak to hearts.

Pray, Adopt, Advocate, Support!

Hidden in Christ,


  1. Beautifully written. I'm so proud to call you my friend.

  2. Amen! Many don't understand spiritual warfare, but it is real!

  3. Spiritual warfare is real, but many don't recognize it as being the cause of chaos. Sometimes I have to say out loud - I am strong with God - I will not be sidetracked or give up!
