Sunday, August 7, 2011

Picture Post for Prayers

Please remember to pray for our boys this week!



I ask that you would keep the care of our sons in compassionate hands, until we can hold them in ours.
I pray that you would be their father and mother, until we can be your hands and feet to them.
I pray that you would use their lives to change others for your glory.
I thank you in advance for the privilege of knowing them and raising them into Kingdom Warriors!
I pray that you would speak to the hearts of friends and strangers, who would help us untie the knots that stand between us and our sons.
I pray that You would raise up mighty prayer warriors, now, to stand in the gap for our boys and for us as we ready ourselves to carry your light into a dark part of the world.
Let your light shine through us.

In the name that is most precious and holy, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and i love this prayer and our prayers got very passionate after these last few days. Our children need the Lord's protection from all kinds of things but WOW i believe that the evil one is very unhappy with all of this adoption stuff and is prowling around seeking to destroy! We need all of our friends in Christ to put on their armor in this battle and stand with us and pray for our boys!!!
    We pray for Samuel and Joseph at our meals...."that God's mightiest angels will stand guard over their beds and their lives and protect them and keep them safe until Mommy and Daddy can hold them in their arms and be the arms of jesus!"
    Love you my fellow warrior!
