Friday, March 16, 2012

Anticipating Spring

I feel like I owe you all a post. Have you missed me? This is a busy time of year around our house. Soccer season for Eli is kicking into full gear and Julie's gymnastics is full swing ahead. Add into that the news that two little ones will be joining our crew in a few weeks and well, life is busy.

I love this time of year, when Spring is trying to come and the earth is giving new life. I expect to get a lot done in the next few weeks having spring fever to accompany my "nesting." Yes, adoptive Moms nest. Now, that the date is set for court, I have the overwhelming urge to have everything in it's place, clean and sparkling. New life...

Joseph and Samuel are about to enter into a new life with our family. We're praying that God is preparing their hearts. We're believing that HOPE is springing to LIFE inside of them, even now. We're also praying that God is preparing our hearts and our home to receive them with grace and to give them everything they need.

We are looking forward with great anticipation to the day when we spring the boys and bring them home. Home to a new season, home to a new life.

My heart is full of gratitude to each of you, who has joined us on this journey and continues to lift us up in prayer. Thank you for doing something, it matters to us and to our boys.

Anticipating Spring,

1 comment:

  1. <3
    We will keep praying over yall's process, for the boys, and your family!
