Monday, August 27, 2012

Halfway There!

Tonight, we received a very generous gift. Did you see the ticker? I had to squeeze in a 1 in front of the $105! That's right! $1,000 closer to our goal. Always from the most unexpected of places, a single Dad, doing what he CAN to make a difference for our girl. He gets it. He understands that our daughter is waiting on the other side of the ocean. He believes that she's important and that no matter what the world says, she has value.

I know, it was a sacrifice. We're humbled by the gift, by the choice to help our family. His gift didn't go unnoticed. We are so very thankful for this gift and for every gift that is given. They humble us and they reaffirm our mission. God has called us to this task. Where He guides, He provides. We're resting in the knowing that He is weaving new, brilliant threads into the tapestry of our daughter's life and ours.

If you're here, it's not by accident. God is probably asking you to do something! Whether it's to pray, advocate, support or adopt your own treasure from the other side of the ocean. Will you yield to His will for your life? It takes each of us saying, "Yes" to whatever He asks to accomplish His purposes. They're waiting for us to DO SOMETHING!

Pray, Adopt, Advocate, Support...Do Something!

Hidden in Christ,

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