Monday, September 12, 2011

Bible Stories with Julie

In case you're wondering what's happening over here, we're still waiting. We really haven't been waiting too long, a little over a week. Maybe we'll hear something in the next week or two about travel dates! So, it's quiet here. We're missing our boys. Did you know you can miss someone you've never met?

Julianna and I were reading the story of Leah and Rachel this morning from her Jesus Storybook Bible. We began to talk about how the world viewed Leah as ugly and undesirable, but that God looked at Leah and saw beauty. God loved Leah so much that he blessed her and she became part of the Royal blood line that leads to the birth of Christ. Jacob didn't want Leah, because he viewed her as less than Rachel. Julie looked at me and said, "No one wanted our brothers, either." Out of the mouths of babes...

God looks at Joseph and Samuel and He sees them differently than the world or their society. We talked about how the love of Christ that lives on the inside of us allows us to see beauty where others see only weakness. Christ's love changes our sight from a worldview to a kingdom view. Joseph and Samuel are valuable members in the family of God. They are going to be cherished members of the Rhodes' family. We're thankful that the God of the universe chose us and allowed us to see real beauty.

We are determined to continue to walk this road faithfully. Our boys are the reward at the end of the journey. We cannot wait to have them with us to share our JOY with them. While we're waiting God is continuing to grow us and to stretch us, to reveal new truths to us. We're thankful for this time of preparation. We're going to get the fundraising going again, by the end of this week. I know, it seems like all we do is ask you to give. I don't know how else to get to our boys and so, I pray that God will bless our efforts and that He will bless each one who gives to bring Joseph and Samuel home.


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