Saturday, June 25, 2011

Update on 1 of 1000 event!

I need to give an update on our 1 of 1000 event! It's going well, but we've lost some momentum in the last couple of days. We need you! We need each and every person who visits the blog and reads our story to give $13. If we can find 1000 people to give $13 each we will be funded and able to go and get our boys when the time comes.

So far, we've had over 40 people participate in our 1 of 1000 event and we've raised over $1000. Not too shabby for a few weeks of sharing.

Will you be a part of our miracle? 

Will you be a part of Samuel's miracle?

Will you be a part of Joseph's miracle?

If you'd like to be a part of bringing our boys home, you can make a tax-deductible donation here or on the right hand side of this page thru the donation box. $13 is really not a lot of money, but it will make a huge difference to us and to our boys. 

To everyone who's already given and to those who continually pray for us, "Thank you." Words can never express our gratitude for your willingness to help "ransom" our boys. 

Will you be 1 of 1000?

Pray, Adopt, Advocate, Support...

Hidden in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being so open and real. We are praying for your family!! we're sharing our journey at
