Samuel is the busiest boy, I've ever known. He is testing his boundaries, already. Let's see, so far, he's thrown things out the 5th story window at our hotel, he threw his ball in the toilet, and he's let himself out of the hotel room, more than once. We're making progress though. Today, he opened the door and I told him, "Stoy!" Stoy means stop in Bulgarian. He looked at me and gestured down the hall like he wanted to leave. I said, "No, wait for Mommy and close the door." He pointed down the hall, again and then, closed the door. This is HUGE! He understood and obeyed!
He is funny, too. He thinks he's the star in his very own show and we're all his adoring fans. He waves at passing buses and blows kisses to ladies in the street. Seriously, he's a little full of himself and it's so fun to watch. He's been well loved and he knows he's "extra" special. Here's a few of my favorite pictures of him from this week...
Chowing down on his first "Happy Meal."
Hanging out in the hotel room window taking in the cars below.
Signing "Mommy" while getting some love. (one of the 10-15 signs he's learned already)
Waving "Hi" to all of my adoring fans!
Then, there's Joseph, who is like a different kid from when we visited 5 months ago. Obviously, he's still very delayed for a seven year old, but we're getting so much more emotion from him than we did on first trip. He's giggling and it's the sweetest sound, I've ever heard. He has the best smile and he gives it freely whenever you do something nice for him. Change his diaper, feed him, pick him up, he just lights up. I have no idea how they overlooked all that my boy is. He is precious and sweet and I love him so.
New things he's learned this week: he's making more eye contact, today, he started kissing me when I had him in the carrier, he's crawling all over the room and twice, today, he let me hold his hands while he walked a few steps. He's wonderful. I just can't wait to see what God has for him in the years to come. Here are some of my favorites...
Reading my book.
Smiling for the camera (this is Mom's favorite!).
Getting some Mommy love...
Giving Mommy some love...
This trip has been amazing. The journey here, to this moment, has been amazing. You have all been so good to our family. Your prayers are working. Our transition is happening and the boys are adjusting well. It's hard work, but as you can see above...the pay is fabulous. So thankful God chose us to walk this path. Thankful that Marty listened when God called and boldly led our family here. I'm excited to see what life looks like once we're home.
I couldn't have managed this week without my friend, Daniell. She came along to help with the boys and has been so good to us. She loves them and they love her...
I pray that every adopting family has the wonderful support that we do. Daniell has done laundry, grocery shopped, made sure I got a shower, run for breakfast every morning, changed diapers, loved babies and never once complained. This is the kind of friend we all need to be.
I am one blessed Mom. I miss my Eli and Julie, but know they are have FUN with Daddy. We've Skyped and they're so ready to have these boys home to love on. Tomorrow is a long day for us, so if you think of us, please say a prayer. We have Medicals and Embassy appointments, so we can bring these boys HOME!
I'll leave you with one of the boys and I...
Pray, Adopt, Advocate, Support...Do Something...It's totally worth the effort!
Hidden in Christ,