Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This is my first year celebrating Mother's Day as a Mom of 4! It's also my first Mother's Day without all of my children present. Today is bittersweet, as I have these two precious children here to enjoy the day with me...
Eli and Julianna

These two will be with me in 12 short or long days depending on how you look at it or when you ask me. That's right, I leave in ten days to fly to Bulgaria! We'll pick up Joseph, first...

Then, it's a couple of hours down the road, to get Samuel...

So, I'm a Mom of four this year and half my heart is still on the other side of the ocean, but our time is coming! Today, I will choose to celebrate with the two beautiful children I have present. I will rejoice in the beautiful people they are becoming. We'll continue to look eagerly toward the goal of having everyone in the same house. Soon, boys, soon, your Mama is coming.

Please, continue to pray for us. Our plane tickets ended up costing more than we anticipated and we're believing God for provision. He's already started to send it our way and we've no doubt He'll complete the work. I, also, need you to pray for Eli and Julie. I can sense their anxiety growing about the upcoming separation. Yes, they'll have their Dad here with them, but I guess, since it's Mother's Day, I can get away with saying, "It's not the same thing." I am with them 95% of the time and have been since the moment they came screaming into the world. The separation is difficult for them and for me. Pray that Joseph and Samuel's hearts are being prepared to be a part of our family, that they wouldn't be fearful or anxious. Last, but not least, pray for Marty and I as we are about to navigate our way through uncharted territory. We've never been parents to 4 children before. I will say, "There's no one I'd rather take this journey with."

Happy Mother's Day!


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